Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Worship Night!

July 15th @ 7pm in the Life Teen Room

Join us for an amazing evening of fellowship and worship.  Come and hang with some awesome people and join in the unending praise of our creator.    

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Stuff

I'm so excited for this Summer!  Life Nights may be finished, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything happening.  Here are a few of the awesome events that are going on throughout the Summer months:

Life Teen Catholic Leadership Camp (June 13-18) - presented by REACH Youth Ministry.  This camp is open to all high school teens.  Leadership camp will inspire rejuvenate, and deepen your teens relationship with Christ and His Church.  The Price is $300 and includes: a t-shirt, lodging, food, transportation, registration, and all the events of the week.  Call now to reserve your spot for the week 509-946-1154 or email jonny@ckparish.org

Summer Bible Study - will be gearing up soon!  Beginning June 9th and running through the summer at Roasters Coffee House in Richland.  We'll be meeting at 10am every Wednesday morning.  No matter what your understanding of the scriptures are, please come and join us for a morning of coffee and God's word.

Summer Frisbee Wednesdays - are back!  Beginning June 9th and running through the rest of the Summer we'll be gathering at Leslie Groves Park at the end of Saint Street in Richland to play Ultimate Frisbee.  A ton of teens normally turn out for Wednesday evening and we have great time.  Even if you stink at throwing a Frisbee we still want you to come.  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catholics United April 16th

Tri-Cities is unique in that there are 4 Catholic Churches within 10 miles of each other.  Each of the Churches have active youth groups.  "Catholics United" seeks to unite those groups so that they may build one another up in Christ. 

"Catholics United" is an evening filled with worship, fellowship, and just plain fun!  It's a place where Catholic teens can come to be encouraged to live a life of holiness in a world that seeks to destroy them.  

Our first "Catholics United" meeting will be Friday, April 16th at St. Joseph's Dillon Hall in Kennewick.  The Night will last from 7pm-10pm and will include hang out time with other catholic teens from the area, worship of the blessed sacrament lead by Catholic band "Praymore," and a message delivered by Catholic Theologian and Youth Minister Jeremy Chase from Wenatchee, Washington.  

You don't want to miss this event.  Parents please bring your teens to the evening, you won't regret it.   

First Blog

Welcome to the ck life teen blog site.  Here you'll find the latest information on what's been going on with high school teens  at Christ the King, as well as any up coming events that may be happening in the area.

If you have any questions and if you're new to the area and are looking for a place to worship and grow in your relationship with Christ then please stop by and visit us on Sunday Nights at 6pm for Mass with Youth Night following from 7pm - 9pm.  All are welcome. 

Teens feel free to post comments, and ask questions via this blog.